Sunday, January 1, 2012

Trouble with the mainstream pt 2

The previous post was about my qualifications for being here. Now to explain the real problem with classical music.
I can not say how many times I have heard people say that classical music sucks. Most of these people won't even give it a chance. When talking about music, people's minds will go straight to the idea that party rock is supreme and kicks Mozart in the butt. That's a lie. All music is truly equal. But it just the unfortunate accident of pop music leading in the public eye while classical music is for old stiffs. Another lie. Classical music is for everyone and should be shown more often in places other than PBS. I challenge anyone who has never heard Beethoven's 5th symphony to listen by themselves and close their eyes. If they don't have some epiphany come into their heads, idk what to say. But everyone should have some influence from classical music in their life, more than just commercials.

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